Dec 20, 2023


Posted Dec 20, 2023 4:00 PM

Lincoln - Due to illness, the Nebraska Public Service Commission has delayed the Wednesday, Dec. 20 hearing of its investigation into 911 service outages involving telecommunication carrier Windstream (911-076/PI 249).

The hearing into the Windstream 911 outage investigation (911-076/PI 249 ) has beenrescheduled for Thursday, December 28 beginning at 9:00 a.m., in the Commission hearingroom.

This is an investigatory hearing being held for the Commission to receive testimony and gatherevidence relevant to its investigation into 911 outages involving the telecommunication carrierWindstream. 

During the hearing Commissioners and Commission legal staff will ask questions and getanswers directly from the telecommunication carrier. Testimony during the hearing may alsoinclude invited witnesses. Any decision regarding the investigation will be made at a later date.

As the proceeding is an investigatory hearing, public comment will not be taken during thehearing.

Those choosing to observe the hearing in-person are reminded the Commission hearing room has a limited capacity. Individuals interested in watching the proceedings may also do so online at<>