Dec 14, 2023

Platte Institute Releases New Episode of Nebraskanomics Podcast; Former State Senators Give Insight into 2024 Session

Posted Dec 14, 2023 10:00 PM

 Platte Institute 

OMAHA, NE — Today, the Platte Institute released a new episode of the Nebraskanomics podcast featuring three former state senators who are on Platte’s staff; Jim Smith, Chief Strategy Officer, Laura Ebke, Senior Fellow, and Nicole Fox, Director of Government Relations. During the episode, the three former senators along with host of Nebraskanomics, Jim Vokal, discuss Platte’s priorities going into 2024, expectations from the legislative body, and potential challenges to overcome.  

“Having three former state senators on Platte’s staff is an invaluable resource that comes with a tremendous amount of experience and knowledge” said Jim Vokal, Chief Executive Officer of Platte Institute. “I am excited to share some of this experience with our listeners as they hear our conversation and learn more about what we expect from this upcoming session.”   

Heading into the 2024 Legislative Session, Platte’s top priorities are: 

  1. Removing workforce barriers and promoting entrepreneurship by passing universal recognition and expanding Nebraska’s cottage foods law. 
  2. Continued tax relief for economic competitiveness by ending the inheritance tax, adopting full expensing, improving the way we treat remote works, and strengthening Nebraska’s Truth in Taxation law.  
  3. Cutting regulations by passing legislation requiring state courts to interpret regulations based on legislative intent instead of deferring to regulators for clarity.  

“Given the turbulence that we all watched this year during the longer 90-day session, I think there is a big question mark surrounding whether the body will be as successful as it was in its’ first session. We believe it can and will be.” added Vokal. “Our team remains focused and ready to support legislators as we work to keep up the momentum heading into 2024.”   

To listen to the latest episode of Nebraskanomics, click here. For more information on this episode, Platte’s priorities heading into 2024, or to schedule an interview, please contact Ryan Kopsa at (402) 366-4432 or write to [email protected]

The Platte Institute advances policies that remove barriers to growth and opportunity in Nebraska. Discover more about our policies, initiatives, and resources at