Aug 22, 2024

Gov. Pillen and Lt. Gov. Kelly React to Announced Retirement of Chief Justice Heavican

Posted Aug 22, 2024 8:30 PM

Office of Governor Jim Pillen

LINCOLN, NE – Governor Jim Pillen and Lieutenant Governor Joe Kelly offered their reactions to the announced retirement of Chief Justice Mike Heavican. Gov. Pillen received a letter from Chief Justice Heavican of the Nebraska Supreme Court stating his intent to retire on Oct. 31, 2024.

Gov. Pillen shared the following:

"I congratulate Chief Justice Heavican on his retirement, and I thank him for his amazing public service to the state of Nebraska. He has served Nebraska's Supreme Court with professionalism, rooted in deep regard for the rule of law.  I have enjoyed getting to know Chief Justice Heavican and I often repeat to others the observation he made to me about walking into the Supreme Court Chamber. He noted that each time felt like the very first – conveying a wonderment, love and appreciation for a career that has resulted in immense satisfaction and fulfilment. I wish Mike the very best in all his future endeavors." 

Lt. Gov. Kelly served with Chief Justice Heavican during his time in the Lancaster County Attorney’s Office. He said:

“In different roles – in the Lancaster County Attorney’s Office, U.S. Attorney’s Office, and as the Chief Justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court – he has been the perfect example of all that a public servant should be.”

Pursuant to law, the Judicial Nominating Commission will solicit the names of potential nominees to be presented to Gov. Pillen for consideration of appointment.