Jan 10, 2024

RESPONSE to Linehan Letter to Sec of State seeking to deny voter rights (Repeal LB753)

Posted Jan 10, 2024 7:00 PM

Karen Kilgaren

Statement from Jenni Benson, Support Our Schools Nebraska, regarding Sen. Linehan’s letter to the Nebraska Secretary of State seeking an about-face on the certification of the Repeal LB753 referendum petition.

   “Nebraskans have made it very clear they want to vote on whether to divert tax dollars to private schools.

   The Secretary of State certified and has made clear that the Repeal LB753 referendum petition met all statutory and constitutional requirements to put this issue on the ballot for the voters to decide.

   Sen. Linehan has made it clear that she and her billionaire buddies are afraid to let Nebraskans vote on whether to repeal LB753.  They failed miserably in their attempt to derail the petition drive. They will attempt everything they can to try to deny Nebraska voters the right to vote on this issue.

   Now let me be clear:  Support Our Schools Nebraska will not back down from Linehan, Michigan billionaire Betsy DeVos or any others who seek to impose their will on Nebraska voters.”

From OpenSky Executive Director Dr. Rebecca Firestone:

   "Every year, elected officials ask voters to weigh in on revenue issues through bond elections, and it was the Legislature who gave voters the opportunity to override revenue caps that the state imposed on local school districts.

   Preventing voters from weighing in on state revenue policy undermines democracy, stifles public participation and removes a check on elected officials that is a hallmark of Nebraska’s unicameral system."