Dec 30, 2023


Posted Dec 30, 2023 9:00 PM

Crista Eggers

LINCOLN, NE - Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana (NMM), the ballot committee leading the effort to put the legalization of medical cannabis before voters in November 2024, is making one final push to collect signatures this calendar year. 

The event taking place today, Saturday, December 30th, is focused on meeting end of the year signature goals and positioning the group to come into 2024 with strong momentum. Patients, families, caregivers, and volunteers will be collecting signatures at all five Wine, Beer, and Spirits locations during the store's open hours. Locations include both the Oakview and Downtown stores in Omaha, as well as the stores in Lincoln, Fremont and Grand Island. 

Crista Eggers, NMM’s Statewide Campaign Manager, says that this attempt is different.

“We’ve made incredible progress since our launch and are much farther ahead than ever before. I can confidently say we have collected almost 60,000 total signatures and qualified close to 20 counties. Today’s last push will solidify those numbers. The overwhelming momentum we have speaks to the support of this issue by Nebraska voters and their desire to see it on the ballot,” Eggers said.

NMM volunteer Garrett Connely has been involved since the last ballot attempt in 2022 and says he feels that this time is different.

"People want to sign; they support this. When we're out collecting signatures, we hear how thankful people are that we haven’t given up. I urge people to get involved- collect signatures, donate, and have conversations with family and friends. This campaign is something life changing to be a part of; knowing that you're working to help alleviate pain and suffering for Nebraskans, it's rewarding like nothing I've ever done." 

NMM will continue collecting signatures on each of their two initiatives until the July 3, 2024 turn in deadline. 

For more information on today’s event, go to