Dec 07, 2023


Posted Dec 07, 2023 5:00 PM

Lincoln, December 6, 2023- The Nebraska Public Service Commission (PSC) has set hearingdates in separate investigations into service outages affecting 911, involving telecommunicationcarriers Lumen (911-075/PI248) and Windstream (911-076/PI 249).

The hearing into the Windstream investigation will be held in the Commission hearing room,beginning at 9:00 a.m., on Wednesday, December 20. 

The hearing into the Lumen investigation will be held in the Commission hearing room,beginning at 9:30 a.m., on Thursday, January 4.

Online access to both hearings will be available. Information on how to connect online can befound in the calendar item for each hearing on the homepage of the PSC website.

The investigations seek to determine the cause and scope of the outages, why redundancyrequired failed and a solution to prevent such events from happening again.

Commission Chair Dan Watermeier said, “The hearings are being held so that Commissioners can ask questions and get answers directly from the carriers involved in these outages. Any decision regarding the investigations will be made at a later date.”