Jun 05, 2024

Adult mountain lion and cubs have been spotted in Beaver City

Posted Jun 05, 2024 6:00 PM

Furnas County Sheriff's Office

The Sheriff's Office has placed several trail cameras around Beaver City near reported sightings and will have personnel randomly using thermal imaging in and around town to monitor as well as have a deputy posted in town for a few days for a quick response.

We must remind residents that only Law Enforcement (Sheriff's Office or Game & Parks) are authorized to dispatch the animal with certain criteria being met. Anybody that believes they have relevant information or a sighting needs to contact the Sheriff's Office immediately.

We encourage residents to continue with normal activities but be a little more observant of their surroundings for the time being. Our agency and others will continue to monitor the situation and provide information as it becomes available.

June 4,2024

Sheriff’s office has received credible reports of sightings of an adult mountain lion with cubs in the North West part of Beaver City. Sheriff’s office is taking measures with game and parks and the area federal trapper to ensure the safety of the Beaver City residents.

If you see this animal in Beaver City, do not approach, but please do with most detail possible call the Sheriff’s office or 911 to report it’s exact location and activity.

Residents are encouraged to keep pets and children in view and be aware of your surroundings if you are out walking or other outdoor activities. As information becomes available, we will share it with you as soon as possible.