Mar 11, 2024

Statement by Mark McHargue, President, Regarding SEC Climate Disclosure Rule

Posted Mar 11, 2024 3:00 PM

Nebraska Farm Bureau

LINCOLN, NEB. – “Following significant outcry from farmers and ranchers across Nebraska and across our nation, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) did the right thing today in voting not to include Scope 3 or supply chain emissions in their final Climate Disclosure Rule. The original proposal, released two years ago, initially required publicly traded companies to report the greenhouse gas emissions of their supply chain which would likely have forced many farms and ranches into onerous data-gathering and reporting requirements.”

“The SEC made the correct decision today, but we remain dedicated to ensuring Nebraska’s farm and ranch families aren’t hit with the regulatory burdens and legal liability for similar rules in the future. Nebraska farmers and ranchers know that ‘sustainability’ is more than just a trendy catchphrase, it is what they have been doing for decades in producing more food, fiber, and fuel for the world using less land, water, fertilizer, and other inputs.”

“Lastly, we want to thank each member of Nebraska’s Congressional Delegation for their efforts in pushing back on the original SEC rule. Their unwavering dedication to pushing back against federal regulatory overreach are always appreciated.”

The Nebraska Farm Bureau is a grassroots, state-wide organization dedicated to supporting farm and ranch families and working for the benefit of all Nebraskans through a wide variety of educational, service, and advocacy efforts. More than 55,000 families across Nebraska are Farm Bureau members, working together to achieve rural and urban prosperity as agriculture is a key fuel to Nebraska’s economy. For more information about Nebraska Farm Bureau and agriculture, visit