Dec 20, 2023

Nebraska’s $600,000 juvenile justice federal grant follows multi-year dry spell

Posted Dec 20, 2023 12:00 AM

Cindy Gonzalez

Nebraska Examiner

LINCOLN — Nebraska is to receive a $600,000 federal award to help prevent delinquency and protect youths in the juvenile justice system, the Department of Justice announced Thursday.

States can use the funds for a variety of youth services, including job training, mental health, substance abuse treatment and school-based programs to prevent truancy.

A DOJ news release said that Nebraska hadn’t received funding from the Title II Part B Formula Grants program since 2018. While it did not explain the gap, a program description says that a state might not receive an award if it hasn’t adequately addressed statutory state plan requirements.

Applicants have to submit a three-year plan describing how their state would use the funding. Among other requirements, they had to outline efforts to deinstitutionalize status offenders, separate youths from incarcerated adults and address racial and ethnic disparities.

“Title II funding is the clearest expression of the Justice Department’s deep commitment to supporting our youth and helping them succeed,” said Amy Solomon, assistant attorney general of the Office of Justice Program, which provides federal resources to reduce crime, advance racial equity, assist victims and enhance the rule of law.

Liz Ryan of the program said her staff worked closely with Nebraska officials to help meet grant requirements. As part of its plan, Nebraska is to fill vacancies on a state advisory group, prioritizing recruitment of members younger than 28 years old.

It also is to hire or appoint a juvenile justice specialist, a state compliance monitor and racial and ethnic disparities coordinator.

Nationwide, nearly $57 million has been invested in the Formula Grants program for fiscal year 2023. The funds are authorized under the amended Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974.