Lincoln - The Nebraska Public Service Commission approved an Order (CPF-2)opening a second round of Capital Projects Fund (CPF) grants to bring broadband to unserved and unserved areas of the state. The new grant cycle will be used to award $24.3 million in remaining CPF funds for projects falling within the 3rd Congressional District.
“This second application window is designed to utilize funds that were not awarded during the initialround of CPF grants,” said Commission Chair Dan Watermeier.
CPF grants are statutorily required to be awarded in Congressional Districts One and Three. At least $40million in grant funding was available in each congressional district for eligible broadband projects.
During the initial 2023 grant cycle the PSC received 130 applications for funding. Upon review of theapplications and challenges received the PSC determined 65 submissions would be funded. The projectseligible for funding in Congressional District Three fell under the $40 million that was available, so asecond grant cycle is necessary to award those funds.
Commissioner Watermeier said, “We would encourage entities in the 3rd Congressional District tosubmit an application for consideration during this additional funding window.”
Application materials, including the application forms and detailed instructions will be made public onMonday, November 20. The application window will open on Wednesday, December 20. Applicationswill be due to the Commission on Friday, January 19, 2024, with grant awards issued on Tuesday, June 4,2024.
Application materials will be posted to the PSC website on the CPF-2 Capital Projects Fund page< >.