Jan 15, 2024

History Nebraska would become ‘code agency’ under control of governor under legislative proposal

Posted Jan 15, 2024 1:00 AM

 LINCOLN — History Nebraska, formerly the Nebraska State Historical Society, would become an agency under the governor’s control under a proposal from State Sen. Steve Erdman. 

The governor would appoint the society’s director and have more oversight over spending and donations under the measure, which has 11 cosponsors.

“We need some oversight,” said Erdman.

If Legislative Bill 1169 is adopted, it would end the agency’s independent status. It has been governed by a board of trustees, who are elected by History Nebraska members, since 1878.

The proposal comes amid some controversy for the state historical society.

In June, its former director, Trevor Jones, was charged with felony theft by deception for diverting $270,000 in donations into a foundation he controlled, rather than depositing the funds into the state treasury, as required.

History Nebraska is currently reviewing applicants for the director’s post and plans to interview some finalists next month for the position.

Erdman said Friday he’s not convinced that the society can select a good director.

Highstaff  turnover has also been an issue at the history organization in recent years, with some employees complaining about heavy-handed management requirements of their work.