Apr 10, 2024

Platte Institute Applauds Advancement of LB 1402 Enabling Tax Credit Opportunity Scholarships

Posted Apr 10, 2024 2:00 PM

Platte Insitute

OMAHA, NE — The Platte Institute, a champion for increased opportunity and removing barriers to success in Nebraska, celebrates the Nebraska Legislature's decision to advance LB 1402 from general file. This pivotal bill, which enables tax credit opportunity scholarships, protects expanding educational opportunities for families and students across the state. 

Jim Vokal, Chief Executive Officer of the Platte Institute, expressed his support for the legislation, stating, "The passage of LB 1402 replaces LB753 which was a monumental shift away from the outdated, one-size-fits-all approach to education, affirming our belief that such policies do not serve the best interests of Nebraska's children. Every child is unique, with distinct needs, talents, and dreams. This legislation acknowledges that reality by empowering parents with the freedom to choose educational environments that best fit their child's individuality.” 

As the debate on LB 1402 continues, the Platte Institute remains dedicated to working with policymakers, educators, families, and stakeholders to advocate for policies that enhance educational freedom and choice. We commend the Nebraska Legislature for its forward-thinking approach and urge continued support for LB 1402 as it progresses through the legislative process. 

For further information, to request an interview, or to discuss the implications of LB 1402, please contact Ryan Kopsa at (402) 366-4432 or via email at [email protected]

The Platte Institute is committed to advancing policies that remove barriers to growth and opportunity in Nebraska, ensuring a brighter future for all its residents. For more insights, visit PlatteInstitute.org.