Mar 04, 2024

J. Scott Sullivan Honored for Visionary Leadership by AACUL

Posted Mar 04, 2024 10:00 PM

Nebraska Credit Union League

Washington DC (March 4, 2024) – Nebraska Credit Union League President/CEO J. Scott Sullivan was recognized with the 2024 Eugene H. Farley League Leadership Award by the American Association of Credit Union Leagues (AACUL) on Saturday evening.

This prestigious award honors a credit union league/association executive who has demonstrated visionary leadership at the state and national levels. This includes delivering superior results organizationally and financially, developing services and programs for credit unions, and focusing on cooperation within the credit union system. It also represents personal values and commitment to purpose and integrity, as well as exhibiting substantial participation as a leader and cooperator.

Sullivan was visibly surprised and moved, “It’s an honor and a privilege. I started at the league right out of college, and the rest is history. You make lifelong friends in this movement, and I am so grateful to be surrounded by so many friends here tonight.”

Sullivan has served as the president/CEO of the Nebraska Credit Union League for over 24 years.  He joined the credit union movement in April 1989 when he began his tenure with the Nebraska Credit Union League. He began as a governmental affairs specialist before becoming the director of governmental affairs then the vice president of governmental and public relations and finally president/CEO. 

“Scott has been a leader and cooperator at the national level throughout his years of service in Nebraska,” shared AACUL President Brad Miller. “In addition to being an active and engaged member of AACUL, he served on the CUNA Board of Directors and as Chairman of AACUL’s State Issues Advocacy Committee.  Scott leads by example, fully supporting integral national efforts – with time and resources - such as Credit Union House, the National Advocacy Fund, CULAC, and other key systemwide campaigns.”

“Scott has always fully supported and encouraged cooperation among the national credit union association, state associations and credit unions,” praised AACUL Chair and CrossState Credit Union Association President/CEO Patrick Conway. “Scott has been an innovative collaborator with his League peers. Under his direction, the League has partnered with other states for successful joint annual meetings and conventions, webinars, virtual workshops, CEO/Leadership Summits, and more.”