Jan 10, 2024

Nebraska Public Service Commission Selects Leadership Positions For 2024

Posted Jan 10, 2024 1:00 AM

Lincoln, January 9, 2024- The Nebraska Public Service Commission (PSC) re-elected District 1Commissioner Dan Watermeier of Syracuse as Chair for 2024. Commissioner Watermeier wasselected during the Commission’s January 9, meeting in Lincoln.

Watermeier was elected to the Commission in 2018, for a six-year term. He represents eightcounties in Southeast Nebraska.

Fourth District Commissioner Eric Kamler of Geneva was elected Vice-Chair. Kamler waselected in 2022 for a six-year term. The fourth district encompasses 31 counties and includes allof northeast Nebraska stretching the length of the entire state vertically north & south.

The Commission leadership positions are elected on an annual basis.