Sep 21, 2023

MPCC Imperial Campus to offer personal property inheritance workshop

Posted Sep 21, 2023 9:00 PM

Heather Johnson

The Mid-Plains Community College Imperial Campus will offer a personal property inheritance workshop Oct. 11.

“Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?” will be led by Brandi Hilton-Hagemann, extension educator for Rural Prosperity Nebraska.

The program is designed for people of all ages seeking useful information about the inheritance of personal property of low monetary but high sentimental value. It will provide research-informed practical strategies to protect family relationships when passing on personal possessions.

Items such as pie plates, quilts, jewelry, photographs, books and documents of family significance are often overlooked during estate planning sessions because they are considered non-titled property, yet decisions about those items can become major challenges for family members.

Hilton-Hagemann will help participants set personal goals, decide what is fair for their family situation, discuss why belongings have different meaning for various family members, consider distribution options and consequences and practice conflict resolution tactics.  

The class is scheduled for 5:30-8 p.m. at the MPCC Imperial Campus in Imperial.

The cost is $15. Registration can be done online at, by calling the campus at (308) 882-5972 or emailing [email protected].