Oct 31, 2023

(Audio) Mid-Plains United Way Weekly Chat

Posted Oct 31, 2023 10:00 PM
<a href="https://www.npkubota.com/">Post Podcast Sponsored By North Platte Kubota</a>
Post Podcast Sponsored By North Platte Kubota

Post News Director Canon Rath chatted with Mid-Plains United Way Executive Director Haven Smith just about what's been going on since Smith's last visit in studio and give us an update of what's been going on with Mid-Plains United Way. 

NORTH PLATTE - The Mid-Plains United Way has officially kicked off their 2023-2024 campaign. Mid-Plains United Way helps out many different agencies in the region. The 2023-2024 campaign helps support those agencies throughout the year. Also, Mid-Plains United Way is gearing up to have activities, one example is Christmas wrapping, is coming up.

Also, there are many ways to get involved with Mid-Plains United Way and ways to donate. To learn more about this week's weekly chat with Smith, check out the podcast above. If you would like to donate, click here.

***Interview aired on Good Morning North Platte on 10/27/2023.