Nov 30, 2023

(Audio) Shop North Platte is underway

Posted Nov 30, 2023 4:30 PM
<a href="">Post Podcast Sponsored By North Platte Kubota</a>
Post Podcast Sponsored By North Platte Kubota

North Platte Post 

Post News Director Canon Rath chatted with Cassie Condon, Vice President of Operations for the North Platte Area of Chamber and Development talked about the Shop North Platte event that is going on tell December 12th. 

NORTH PLATTE – Shop North Platte is officially under way and will continue on until December 12th. Shop North Platte was created to shop locally at North Platte businesses this holiday season. Over 30 local businesses are taking part in this year's event. Shoppers who shop locally have a chance to win $5,000. Shoppers will receive a blue ticket and every $10 spent, shoppers can earn another blue ticket. Folks just entering the business will also receive the blue ticket. The drawing is set for December 14th. Shoppers must be 18 and older to participate in the drawing.

North Platte Area Chamber and Development Vice President of Operations Cassie Condon. Photo taken by Canon Rath/North Platte Post
North Platte Area Chamber and Development Vice President of Operations Cassie Condon. Photo taken by Canon Rath/North Platte Post

Shop North Platte replaces the old passport system that was used for the past 4 years. “I absolutely loved the passport program as it highlighted our local entrepreneurs and small businesses that give so much back to our community... but our one-day program we felt just wasn’t enough,” said Cassie Condon. “We really wanted to find something that encouraged customer loyalty and raise more awareness for retail availability... we really wanted to expand it from a one-day program to a three-week program and reward people for shopping locally.”

If you would like to learn a more in-depth about the Shop North Platte event that’s going on, more about the blue tickets, how it was designed, check out the podcast above. To see all the participating businesses, check the graphic below.

Shop North Platte Post Participating Stores Updated/Graphic provided by North Platte Chamber and Development
Shop North Platte Post Participating Stores Updated/Graphic provided by North Platte Chamber and Development