Nov 16, 2023

(Audio) Salvation Army - Camon Landry

Posted Nov 16, 2023 12:00 AM
Post Podcast Sponsored By North Platte Kubota
Post Podcast Sponsored By North Platte Kubota

Post News Director chatted with Camon Landry from the Salvation Army and the pair discussed the upcoming Salvation Army holiday fundraiser and community events. 

NORTH PLATTE - The Salvation Army is gearing up for the holiday season and the Red Kettle Campaign started this past Monday. The Salvation Army is also preparing food box donations for Thanksgiving and Christmas, a toy drive and so much more. 

Camon Landry. Photo taken by Canon Rath/North Platte Post
Camon Landry. Photo taken by Canon Rath/North Platte Post

The Red Kettle campaign is the Salvations Army biggest fundraiser event. The iconic red kettles are seen all around the United States. The Red Kettles started in North Platte this past Monday. Volunteers stand out ringing the bells in front of the kettles. North Platte will be ringing at 8 locations this holiday season. If you are interested in volunteering for the Red Kettle's, click here

If you would like to learn more about more of the Salvations Army fundraiser and events coming up and Landry's journey to North Platte, check out the podcast above.